“The Road Less Travelled” – M. Scott Peck (1990)

“The Road Less Travelled” – M. Scott Peck (1990)

Started: Mon 09/11/15
Finished: Thu 12/11/15
320 pages. This first section was quick to read but the book dragged in the middle and end sections. I could have finished in 3 days.

Dr M. Scott Peck suggests ways in which facing our difficulties – and suffering through the changes – can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding.

The book was first published in 1978 but only became a phenomenal bestseller a few years later (selling over 10 million copies worldwide) when he hit the lecture circuit.

There are sections of the book that are brilliant then there are long sections which can confuse, frustrate and irritate such as the third section when he brings God into it.

Peck assumes that psychological and spiritual growth are indistinguishable and that developing wholeness or maturity is a long process.

This assumption, together with the rejection of “quick fix” solutions, distinguishes this volume from most self-help books.

The discipline section counsels the acceptance of life’s problems and their accompanying pain, and stresses the need for discipline which can be achieved by

– delaying gratification
– acceptance of responsibility
– acceptance of truth,
– seeking wholeness of mind and body

A worthwhile read. The majority of the useful and insightful content is in the first section on Discipline.

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